makostacks Productions is
a multimedia company that makes original soundtracks, makes original games, and has original shows available on YouTube.
Founded in the early 2000s
Runned by Robert Young

Age 16, Male



Joined on 8/24/21

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Hello everyone I wanted to come here and in case your new or you haven't seen yet but I am getting back into game development. With my first really big game going to be the sequel to the Magical Curse. However that is set to release on Halloween. But for this month I wanted to announce Madness Rebirth to celebrate Madness day 2024.

About Madness Rebirth

*Madness: Rebirth* is an RPG Maker game set in the chaotic world of *Madness Combat*, where Hank is resurrected by the BGR, a faction seeking to restore balance to the dystopia. Forced to work with agents he distrusts, Hank embarks on a violent mission to take down rival factions and confront a mysterious entity known as The Controller. Players will navigate a world of brutal combat, make moral choices, and decide whether to bring balance or embrace the madness.

It is being developed in RPG Maker MZ and will be a shorter game then most of my RPGs. It'll have a total of 6 missions and towards the end of the game the player will have two choices to agree to the balance of the chaos or to embrace the Madness and betray his so called new friends however they seem to be hiding something from Hank as he and the other agents continue to do missions for them. Find out what happens in Madness Rebirth Coming September 22, 2024.

Gameplay: I want to focus most on having more gameplay then dialog to prevent it from being a Sony walking simulator or an Xbox Hellblade 2 game. So the game will focus mainly on the gameplay. Hank also is someone who rarely speaks which will also help keep this game action RPG orientated. The gameplay in my previous RPGs have received criticism for being to much of a power fantasy so I'm gonna try and make this game more difficult not Dark Souls difficult but not a super power fantasy either where battles end after two attacks.

Music: Music is a big deal for me, for this RPG. I want to make sure the music used represents the Madness franchise and so that is why I have searched across Newgrounds and gotten permission to use different music from different creators. So all music used is copyright free the creators will be credited and I think it'll represent the Madness Franchise the best.

World: The game will be a linear RPG world seeing as I have such little time to make this game and I just started last week. I tried to make this world more detailed then I have others in my previous RPGs.

Character Design: This is the trickiest part of the game development as I want to make the characters match there franchise counter parts look very similar but it's hard to do using the tools RPG Maker Provides. I know I can import images and stuff but I also want to make sure to make the character face match the sprite for when the characters are walking.

Overall I think this game will be well received among the Newgrounds audience and will also serve as a sort of tech demo for when I continue development on the Magical Curse 2. I hope you all look forward to it and below is the cover art for the game. Made by EmogiArts. Updated with the Rebirth logo by me.
